If you find a lower price on any public website within 48 hours of booking with CheapCruises.com, we will refund you 110% of the difference!
To qualify, your claim must meet these requirements:
- The lower price must be in U.S. dollars
- Online price must be for the same cruise that you purchased through our site (same ship, sailing dates, cabin category)
- You must be eligible to receive the rate (for example, residency requirements for regional specials, age-related discounts, etc.)
- Cruise must be available for booking at the time you contact us
To submit your claim, please complete our online form and a Travel Agent will contact you via email within 72 hours.
For details, visit 110% Best Price Guarantee.
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Sign in to Cheap Cruises Rewards and explore all of our rewards or book your dream vacation now now or call us at 800-972-SHIP(7447) to start earning.